Join the
The 1000 Club is an ongoing fundraising activity which raises money for our childrens’ enrichment at school. Add a bit of excitement to your life for only £1 a month! Each number only costs £12 for entry into 12 consecutive monthly lottery draws! The more numbers you buy the GREATER YOUR CHANCE OF A GREAT CASH PRIZE!
The usual monthly first prize is £100, second prize will give you £50 and third prize is £25.
Where does this money go? Over the past few years, FOSWGS helped refurbish the Music Room (P4), bought a sound system for the Drama department; DofE equipment including location trackers and backpacks; display cases for the fantastic art the students produce; wheels for the Robotics Team ‘monster truck’ and, of course, we fund all the prizes for GCSE and A-level achievement.
When? We draw numbers at the beginning of every calendar month and notify the winners by email and on Classlist. If every family was a member of the 1000 Club, we would raise over £800 for the school every month!! ¨
How to join: Very simple! Simply fill in the form opposite and sort preferred payment. It would be wonderful if you set up a Standing Order with your bank as this means we avoid high bank charges and renewal each year is automatic, meaning you never miss a draw. Anyone associated with the school can join: don’t have to be Mum or Dad, although you do have to be over 18. You can also pay by BACS: please ensure that you use your daughter/son’s full name & form group as your reference. Cheques are also welcome: payable to FoSWGS.
Best wishes and I hope to welcome you to the 1000 Club
Harjit McLean, FSWGS 1000 Club Secretary
To join: Simply complete the registration form on this page and complete payment option. email: